Ep. 189:  What It's REALLY Like Being a Tall Model | Tips and Tricks for Modeling Success ft. Paryse Lambert
tall models

We are BAACCKKKK with another episode of A Tall Girl’s Podcast! So glad you’re here :) Before I get into this episode I do wanna say, make sure you follow me on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest so that you can stay up to date on all of the latest podcast episodes and catch a glimpse of my everyday life. Also, feel free to leave me a review below and let me know how tall you are! 

Today we are joined by Paryse Lambert! She’s a model, actress, and owner of Paryse Style, a clothing brand for tall women. Paryse joins us in this episode as she discusses her experiences as a model who has traveled to several different countries in her lifetime for her work. As someone standing over 6 feet tall, she’s had her struggles from time to time being a model whose height is above the industry standard, especially when it came to walking the runway. Tune in to this episode as she talks more about her experiences and provides valuable advice and insights for tall women who are looking to become models! 

Psst, we also have a 15% off code for your next shopping spree at https://parysestyle.com/   

Use code “BIGFEET”  :) This is a limited-time discount so use before Sunday 12/29/2024 5 pm EST!! 

Here are her deets: 

Portfolio: https://www.jlmodelmanagement.com/classic/paryse-lambert 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parysestyle/  

Paryse Style: https://parysestyle.com/ 

Dupe.com: https://dupe.com/ 

Thank you so so much for tuning in to this episode; I really appreciate it and I appreciate you. As always, feel free to hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspodcast and let me know what you thought about this episode! And if you have any other questions or advice you’d like to ask Paryse, make sure you reach out to her too! And until then, I’ll catch y’all in the next one! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,


A Tall Girl's Podcast
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