Ep. 148: Is Being Tall Awkward? Or Are You Making It Awkward?

Is Being Tall Awkward? Or Are You Making It Awkward?  

tall girl problems, tall girl humor, tall girl hacks

We are BACCKKKKKK with another episode of A Tall Girl’s Podcast! So glad you’re here :) Before I get into this episode I just wanna say, make sure you’re following me on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest so that you can stay up to date on all of the latest podcast episodes and catch a glimpse of my everyday life. Also, feel free to leave me a review below and let me know how tall you are! 

Anyone else noticing any changes in the weather? It’s March now, so we start to transition into a new season. There have definitely been some changes over here in New York that’s for sure! When I wake up around 6/6:30, the Sun has already risen. And when I get out of class let’s say at like 4, the Sun is still up!! The days are getting longer y’all; can we just say it’s officially spring? Let me stop because the weather still drops to like 30 degrees at night. But we’re headed in the right direction. 

Now for the question of the day…is being tall awkward? Riddle me that. Like what about your height/what about being tall makes you feel awkward. I feel like the more I say the word ‘awkward' the more I just don’t understand its meaning lol. By awkward I mean difficult, cumbersome, embarrassing, uncomfortable. Like what about being tall makes you feel all of these things? 

If you asked me this question 5, 6, 7 years ago, I’d probably say that being tall is most definitely awkward. Listen, I was that girl who tripped over air. I was that girl who could never sit in class properly because my desk was too small for me. I was that girl who would feel weird standing around because I didn’t know what to do with my long arms. Can anyone else relate? 

Being tall had its moments. And honestly, it still does. But the older I’m getting, the more I’m realizing that there’s more to it than just the standard tall girl problems. Societal expectations, personal confidence, and even representation in the media and other industries can play a big part in how we perceive our height. Let’s get more into this conversation! Check out my full episode below!

Thank you so so much for tuning in to this episode; I really appreciate it and I appreciate you. As always, feel free to hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspdocast and let me know whether or not you feel awkward about your height. Or if you just feel awkward in general lol. I’m always down for a chit chat. I’ll catch you in the next episode! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,


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