Every Tall Girl Needs a Tall Friend, Right? | Where To Find Your Tall Girl Community
I have a question for y’all: Have you ever been in a group of people and felt like you were the outlier? Like you stuck out like a sore thumb? Like the people around you don’t understand you? Like you don’t belong? I can definitely say that some of us tall girls have been there too. It’s definitely a frustrating and nerve wracking experience, especially when you’re young and you’re trying to find yourself and find your group of people.
So today, I will talk about the importance of finding that tall girl community, my experiences before finding it, and how to find the tall girl group that you can connect with. Tune in for more!
I have a question for y’all: Have you ever been in a group of people and felt like you were the outlier? Like you stuck out like a sore thumb? Like the people around you don’t understand you? Like you don’t belong? I can definitely say that some of us tall girls have been there too. It’s definitely a frustrating and nerve wracking experience, especially when you’re young and you’re trying to find yourself and find your group of people.
So today, I will talk about the importance of finding that tall girl community, my experiences before finding it, and how to find the tall girl group that you can connect with. Tune in for more!