Ep. 147: I Hate Online Shopping (A Tall Girl's Rant) 

I Hate Online Shopping (A Tall Girl's Rant) 

tall girl problems, tall girls, tall people problems, tall women

We are BACCKKKKKKKKK with another episode of A Tall Girl’s Podcast! So glad you’re here right now :) Before I get into this episode, I do wanna say make sure you’re following me on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest so that you can stay up to date on all of the latest podcast episodes and catch a glimpse of my everyday life. Also, feel free to leave me a review and let me know how tall you are! 

It’s officially March y’all. Happy MAAAARRCCCHHHH!! Spring is so close and ya know what else is close??? My birthday :))))) My birthday is next month; it’s April 8th. Yes, I’m an April baby. Yes, I’m an Aries. Do with that information what you will. Well….what exactly would you even do with that information???? 

Like when I tell people my birthday is April 8th, they’re like “ohhh, you’re an Aries…” and I’m like okay??? What does that do for either one of us? Are you gonna psychoanalyze my childhood like what’s the deal with that??? And sometimes they’ll follow up with the “mmm that makes sense” like HUH??????? No tea, no shade to horoscope people but y’all kinda scare me not gonna lie. 

Anyways, I’ve been planning and planning and planning for what I wanna do for my birthday. I’m one of those people who like to celebrate over multiple days. Kinda like how some people celebrate for like a week or even a month. I think I’m just good with a weekend tho lol. But last year, I waited til two weeks before my birthday to plan and boy was that a bad decision. Well…I mean, if you were here for the last episode, lowkey last year was iconic lol. I just think that I shoulda planned out more. 

And with that, I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear because ya know, I wanna look nice. But with my busy schedule, I needed to do some online shopping. And I have QUITE A FEW THINGS to get off my chest about this topic. As a tall woman, I genuinely forgot how much of a struggle online shopping can actually be. 

What are my experiences with online shopping as a tall girl that makes me hate it so much? I give you the rundown in my episode below! 

Thank you so so much for tuning in to this episode; I really appreciate it and I appreciate you. As always, feel free to hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest and let me know what your experiences are with online shopping. Have you had success? Have you failed?? What’s the tea? Until then, I’ll catch you in the next one! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,


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