Ep. 145: How To Overcome Your Height Insecurities and Stop Letting Them Control You

How To Overcome Your Height Insecurities and Stop Letting Them Control You

tall girl problems, confidence tips for tall girls, how to love being tall

Welcome or welcome BACCKKKK to A Tall Girl’s Podcast. So glad that you’re here today :) Before I get into this episode, I do wanna say make sure you’re following me on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest so that you can stay up to date on all of the latest podcast episodes and catch a glimpse of my everyday life. Also, feel free to leave me a review below and let me know how tall you are! 

Y’all, I’m just gonna say it, I’m a little sussed out by the semester so far. At this point, we’re WAY past syllabus week and I don’t feel any type of stress at all. And this concerns me. Why? Because every single semester up to this point, I have felt a load of stress once syllabus week was over. So half the time, I’m thinking to myself: Am I missing something? 

I mean it kind of makes sense. Because most of my previous courses were pretty intense. They all mainly focused on reading very long textbook chapters and taking quizzes every week. However, now my courses focus more so on participation and presentations. And that’s my cup of tea. So maybe that’s why I don’t feel as stressed. But it’s only been a month so…we’ll see. 

ANYWAYS, today we are talking about insecurities YAYYYYYYY. Lol I hope you know that that was sarcasm. Or was it? I feel like insecurities themselves are not yay but talking about them is yay. Because it’s okay to be in your feels, ya know? But this topic came to mind after I recorded an episode with two people who have experience in the modeling industry. Definitely check that episode out to understand what I mean. 

Before I start this episode, I do want to make sure that this is known - I still have my insecurities, whether it be with my body or other aspects of my life. So even though I’m giving tips in this episode and speaking about my experience, I’m still not 100% where I want to be in terms of confidence. It was especially bad when I was younger. 

No, I’m not even joking. It was so bad that I used to say that if Slenderman had a daughter, she’d be me. The girls who get it, get it :/

So, what are my experiences with insecurities as a tall woman? And how did I overcome them? Tune in to the full episode below for more! 

Thank you so so much for tuning in to this episode; I really appreciate it and I appreciate you. As always, feel free to hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspodcast and let me know what you thought of this episode and if you want to talk about your insecurities lol. Just remember: you’re amazing just the way you are (as Bruno Mars once said lol). I’ll catch you in the next one! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,



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