Ep. 54: I've Compiled The Ultimate List of Tall Girl Comebacks | (Inspired By Me Followers)

Ep. 54: I've Compiled The Ultimate List of Tall Girl Comebacks | (Inspired By Me Followers) 

tall girl comebacks, tall girl hacks, tall women, tall girl problems

By the time you’re reading this, I will be back from my first ever vacation in 3 years. 3 WHOLE YEARS! Geesh, where has the time gone?? I honestly can’t believe that it’s been that long since I’ve been on a trip. I couldn't wait to leave my house LOL. I’m pretty sure y’all have had the same feeling before.

Now in my last episode, which you should totally check out if you haven’t yet, one of my followers asked me for some good tall girl comebacks and I did promise her that I’d do an episode on this, and here we arrreeeee. This is definitely a long awaited episode I feel. There was a time period where I would get a slew of comments under my Pinterest posts, by the way totally follow my on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram, but there was a whole bunch of comments where my followers would type out literal scenarios between them and another person making fun of their height. And let me tell you, it was some good stuff LOL. 

So I figured, why not bless the rest of the world and compile this list of comebacks and give you some good comebacks to use for the next time someone decides to make fun of your height. Prepare yourself for the most savage statements you’re about to see in your LIFE. 

When someone asks ‘why are you so tall?’ Be like ‘my parents watered me and put me in the sun a lot’”

Girl I-

I’ve literally never heard that in my entire life, and you know what, I understand why people call us trees and beanstalks. Because of this literal statement! This explains EVERYTHINGGGG. And honestly, I can’t blame them. Especially after hearing this. I’m going to have to give this one a 5/10 because while it is hilarious, you’re basically letting people call you a tree. And we can’t have that. 

What about when people tell you you shouldn’t wear heels? Or ask ‘How’s the weather up there?’ Tune in to the full episode below for some more tall girl comebacks! 

Thank you so so much for tuning into this episode. I really do appreciate it. Hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest and let me know if you want a part 2 to this; I feel like there’s so much I left out and there’s so many other things that people tell us that have really good comebacks. Also, feel free to leave a review and let me know what your height is. I’ll catch you in the next one! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,


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