Ep. 114: Wear The Short Shorts | How To Build The Confidence To Wear Whatever You Want

Wear The Short Shorts | How To Build The Confidence To Wear Whatever You Want 

tall girl problems, tall girl life, tall women, tall people

Welcome baccckkkkkkkkk! Or welcome if you’re new here at A Tall Girl’s Podcast. So glad that you can make it. Before I get into this episode, I do just want to remind you to check out my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest so that you can stay up to date on all of the latest podcast episodes and catch a glimpse of my everyday life. Also, feel free to leave me a review and let me know how tall you are! 

This episode is actually inspired by one of my Reels that I posted over on Instagram. It went something along the lines of “wear what you want to wear. I don’t care how tall or how short you are, wear the heels, wear the short shorts, wear whatever it is you want to wear. PERIOD.” And I think by all of the comments that I received, this video really resonated with you guys lol. So, I figured why not do an entire episode on it. 

I mean, c’mon, it’s summer. Albeit, more than halfway through summer. But it’s still summer. The Sun is shining. The birds are chirping. People are out and about. Now’s the time to get out there and work on your confidence and live your best life. Even though you can really do these things all year round, I argue that it’s easier to do this in the summer because the Sun’s blaring, there’s more daylight, and energy levels are up. 

But I can understand as a tall girl, how hard it can be to be confident in what you’re wearing. Growing up, I could wear a pair of shorts and get dress coded at school or have family members tell me that I need to cover up more. I would wear a skirt and have to keep it down while walking around out of fear that I may flash somebody. It got to the point where I would feel so shameful about my long legs. 

And the name calling didn’t help. I mean I was literally called ‘mommy long legs’ throughout middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL. Who knew that 11-year-olds could be that brutal??? For so long, I didn’t think that I could wear clothes that were actually nice. I had to become best friends with the women’s section of JCPenney. For a 10-year-old, I really don’t think it can get worse than that. 

So, how can you overcome the insecurities and gain the confidence to wear what you feel great in? How do you deal with people who are trying to make you feel bad for doing that? Tune in to the full episode below for more! 

Thank you so so much for tuning in to this episode, I really appreciate it and I appreciate you. As always, feel free to hit me up on my socials @atallgirlspodcast on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest and let me know if this episode resonates with you. Also, don’t forget to leave me a review below! I’ll catch you in the next one! 

Goodnight and goodbyyyyyeee,


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